February 09, 2014
Results of Classified Search
Service > Handyman
OLD TIME HANDYMAN LLC: Electrical, plumbing, carpentry, general repairs and maintenance. 870-0494.
HANDYMAN - Free Estimates, Small to Big Jobs, Servicing WNY, Tim (716)578-1294
HANDYMAN SR. AND JR.: Home Improvement. No Job Too Small. Dave, 716-374-5981.
REMODELING, Drywall, Painting. Custom Cabinetry, Plumbing, Tile/ Hardwood Floors, Finished Basements, Junk Removal, Appliance Installation. All Household Needs. References. Senior Discounts. Call/ Text: 829-9999.
SCAMURRA CONSTRUCTION- Woodworking, Ceramic Tile, Plumbing, Electrical, Int. Painting Don- 632-3441; 445-4661
HANDYMAN: Small jobs. Electrical, plumbing, etc. Insured. References. Peter Leyonmark. 648-0282.